Tuguldur Erdene LLC started to packing and process healthy, tasty, nutrient and soft chicken thighs, chicken legs, breast and whole meat from “Tyson Foods” Inc, of USA from 2007 under supervision of Capital Market LLC, the initial holder of import rights of this product.
We have been classifying, packing and offering our products through our branch stores and it’s been already 7 years since we produced our brand product “Sharjignuur Tahia” /Crispy Chicken/. Currently we are producing such new products as chicken meat balls, mini rolls, cutlets etc in order to work more closely to our customers, to meet their requirements and provide healthy, high quality, tasty products that can save money and time of our customers.
Салбар дэлгүүрүүдийн хаяг :
- Барс бөөний худалдааны төвийн баруун талд
- Меркури худалдааны төвийн хойно
- Сансар үйлчилгээний төвийн зүүн талд
- Хүчитшонхор захын 22-р павильонд тус тус байрладаг.
Phone : 94499416, 88879000, 99049700